Ingen bestillingsgebyr The Play That Goes Wrong

The Play That Goes Wrong

Duchess Theatre

4.7/5 Basert på 1959 kritikker (Kritikk)
  • Bestilling inntil: Sunday 4 May 2025
  • Spillets lengde: 2hr. Incl. 1 interval.
Familier (89%) Par (90%) Teatergjengere (91%) i
The Play That Goes Wrong The Play That Goes Wrong The Play That Goes Wrong The Play That Goes Wrong
The Play That Goes Wrong Beskrivelse
West Ends lengste komedie THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG fortsetter å få publikum til å le høyt natt etter kveld.
Duchess Theatre Beliggenhet

3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB (Mer info)

Duchess Theatre Veibeskrivelse


Alder 8+.

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Mon - -
Tue - 19:30
Wed - 19:30
Thu - 19:30
Fri - 19:30
Sat 14:30 19:30
Sun 15:00 19:00
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PAY NO FEES Valid Tuesday - Friday and Sunday performances 3 September - 17 October 2024 Book by 6 August 2024.

3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast